Tuesday, July 9, 2013

a keeper.

If he goes to the store to buy frozen pizzas for you when it's far past midnight, then he's a keeper.

If he cooks those pizzas and kills the spider in the sink for you when it's far past midnight, then he's a keeper.

If he willingly volunteers to clean up after the pizza eating that occurred far past midnight, then he's a keeper.

If you have to fight him away from the dishes, then he's a keeper.

If he hugs you from behind while you're doing the dishes just so he can kiss the crown of your head, then he's a keeper.

If he plays with your hands and kisses your fingers during a movie, then he's a keeper.

If he makes you laugh in every moment you spend with him, then he's a keeper.

And if you really really like him and he does all those other things,
then keep him.

Sunday, July 7, 2013

self love.

Boys like girls who know how to be themselves.
If you like Harry Potter, then like Harry Potter.
If you're terrible at soccer, play soccer terribly.
Be yourself no matter who you are with.
And eventually, who you are with will love you for who
you are.