Thursday, January 17, 2013

Winky Faces and Awful Pick-up Lines.

Why is it that guys think if they repeatedly insult you, you'll fall for them? I don't know about you, but when a guy is all, "Hey baby. I just want your body." and he accents it with an awful winky face, the only person I want falling is him... off a cliff. Also, quick side-note: the winky face, when used in texting, is basically the awkwardly magical symbol that makes everything sensual. A guy can say something really sweet, but as soon as he adds a wink to the end of it, I can't help but to assume he's being perverted. In my mind, there is a big difference between, "Hey, what are you doing?" and "Hey, what are you doing? ;)" 

I've heard my fair share of suggestive comments uttered from the mouths of men- my tip of the day? Don't put up with it. Honestly, there are too many guys out there who throw out what they think are "compliments" just because they "want your body." Be patient enough to wait for the guy who tells you you're beautiful and thinks you're absolutely brilliant. Because I promise, he's out there. But you won't find him if you've settled for the guy with crude words and thoughts to match.  And when a guys does throw out a heinous collection of words that is more insulting than complimentary, tell him off. It will only help him in the long run.

"Hey baby, I want your body."

"Oh yeah? Well you know what I want? I want you to shut up unless you can talk to me like I'm an actual woman, not some kind of chew toy. Ever heard of class? Well, you should look into it, because you could use a little in your life."  

Guys need to be whipped into shape every now and then. Plus, it's refreshing to them when a girl actually knows what she wants and doesn't put up with their crap.

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